spring bucket list things to do in spring seasonalcasita

Spring Bucket list Ideas

 Spring Bucket List Ideas

We are usually a very relaxed go with the go-with-the-flow, unplanned spontaneous adventures type of family. So creating a bucket list and crossing things off as we go isn't an instinct for us. However, I want to incorporate it into our lives to keep things interesting and give us some goals of fun stuff to look forward to through the seasons. Here's our list so far of spring adventures and new things to try during this season.

  • Go on a bike ride
  • Have a picnic at a park.
  • visit the local library
  • visit a local lake
  • nature trail hike
  • Nature journal drawing
  • Try something new sport/hobby
  • Try a local ice cream shop
  • Try a new restaurant
  • Take a family road trip
  • visit a national park
  • Host a tea party
  • Visit a museum
  • visit a zoo
  • visit an aquarium
  • visit local Farmer's Markets
  • Try a new fitness class
  • explore new local shops
  • visit a new park
  • go to a drive-in movie
  • pay it forward
  • Random act of kindness
  • bake for friends/fam

Did we miss anything cool you think we should try this spring? Comment below and let us know what you and your family have written down on your bucket list.

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